Event details

  • January 19, 2021
  • Tuesday, 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
  • Elaine Grant

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Food Safety Webinar Series: Session Two

Tuesday, 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
January 19, 2021


Elaine Grant

Food Safety Webinar Series: Session Two

Tuesday, 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
January 19, 2021


Building the Future of Food Safety Technology

The second in a three-part series, join Perennia’s Quality and Food Safety Specialist Elaine Grant and Dr. Darin Detwiler, LP.D., the founder and CEO of Detwiler Consulting Group, LLC, for the upcoming webinar, Building the Future of Food Safety Technology.


This presentation focuses not on the answers but on the questions that should be asked by those involved in food safety/quality/defence/security/and authenticity from the farm to the table. Dr. Detwiler breaks this topic into a few key points based on his work with industry and the research behind his book:  Building the Future of Food Safety Technology: Blockchain and Beyond.


Dr. Darin Detwiler, LP.D., is the founder and CEO of Detwiler Consulting Group, LLC. He is an internationally recognized and respected food policy expert with over 25 years’ experience in shaping federal food policy, consulting with corporations, and contributing thought leadership to industry events and publications, advising industry, NGOs, and government agencies (including the USDA and FDA), and addressing food safety and authenticity issues in the U.S. and abroad. Detwiler is the Assistant Dean at Northeastern University’s College of Professional Studies and the Lead Faculty of the Regulatory Affairs of Food program. As an Associate Teaching Professor of food regulatory policy, he has specialized in food safety, global economics of food and agriculture, Blockchain, and food authenticity. In 2018, Detwiler received the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR FOOD PROTECTION’S DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD.  Detwiler is the author of FOOD SAFETY: Past, Present, and Predictions (Elsevier, 2020); and Building the Future of Food Safety Technology (Elsevier, 2020).


*Registration is required (no deadline)
Cost: Free


Elaine Grant