Event details

  • August 17, 2021
  • Tuesday, 12:00 pm to 12:30 pm
  • Talia Plaskett
  • 902-305-3419

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VIRTUAL FIELD DAY: Optimizing Production

Tuesday, 12:00 pm to 12:30 pm
August 17, 2021


Talia Plaskett



VIRTUAL FIELD DAY: Optimizing Production

Tuesday, 12:00 pm to 12:30 pm
August 17, 2021


Part of our Virtual Field Day Series, join us on Tuesday, August 17, for Optimizing Production. Participants will hear from Perennia specialists on a variety of topics followed by a question-answer period.


Honey Bees as Pollinators: Importance and Determination of Colony Strength

Specialist(s): Andrew Beyers, Senior Apiculturist/ATTTA Program Lead and Monica Winkel, Apiculturist

Description: The working relationship between bees and blueberries and their respective beekeepers and blueberry growers has been ongoing for many years. Thousands of honey bee colonies are moved into blueberry fields every year to carry out the task of pollinating flowers and maximizing crop yield. However, honey bees are not the only bee species employed for blueberry pollination- in some fields, bumblebee colonies and alfalfa leafcutter bees are brought in to supplement the pollination workforce. This combination makes for an effective team for blueberry pollination and optimizing pollination success. Join us as we take a closer look at the importance of colony strength as a foundation towards successful wild blueberry pollination.

Winter wheat seeding date x rate

Specialist: Caitlin Congdon, Field Crops Specialist

Description: Winter wheat seeding date is an important factor in determining yield potential, but often the boundaries of the ideal seeding window get pushed, particularly when wheat follows a later harvested crop like soybeans or corn silage in the rotation. Seeding rates can be adjusted as the date gets pushed later into the fall to optimize yield potential. Follow a field-scale research trial, part of the Atlantic Grains Council On-Farm Agronomy program to learn about the impact of these factors on the crop. AAFC and the Maritime Provinces fund this and other AGC on-farm agronomy trials through CAP.

Somatic embryogenesis development of balsam fir Christmas trees (SMART Tree)

Specialist: Jay Woodworth, Christmas Tree Specialist

Description: Christmas tree research in Nova Scotia is best known for developing genetically superior balsam fir seedlings through somatic embryogenesis. This natural selection process creates lines of genetically desirable trees from selected parent material (seed trees). These superior seedlings, known as SMART trees, express desirable characteristics identified by long-time growers and consumers. SMART trees are known for their enhanced needle retention, needle length, late flushing dates, bottled brush and colour scale. The full process follows a series of growth steps from petri dish to field evaluation. Currently, we have every step in the process happening simultaneously. We will follow the full process from beginning (selection of quality parent trees) through to end (mass production for market) and provide viewers with an opportunity to virtually visit the field evaluation sites across the province and learn about the extent of research that has gone into getting these trees to their current stage.


*Registration is required (no deadline)
Cost: Free


Talia Plaskett