Assessments to help you figure out where you are, and where you need to go.
Do you feel like you are spinning your wheels or don’t know where to begin when it comes to starting or improving your quality and food safety program? If so, it’s time to invest in seeking a qualified quality and food safety specialist. Perennia can help you identify potential problem areas that, if corrected proactively, can save you time, money and anxiety down the road.
Getting the proper assessment can ensure you are meeting government, retailer or other requirements (such as SFCR, BRCGS, SQF, CanadaGAP, etc.), which when followed can lead to a smoother audit with fewer non-conformities. This means less cost and labour spent on corrective actions. The assessment report can also be used to support a funding proposal and is, in general, an effective basis for improving your current quality and food safety program.
Perennia offers three types of assessments:
- Needs Assessment – determine the gaps in a program or facility to support funding requests or changes to facility and/or process
- Gap Assessment – determine deficiencies in current program, practices, and/or facility in the development of new programs
- Pre-audit Assessment – determine deficiencies prior to customer, 2nd or 3rd party audits to support a successful audit
For more information, please contact:
Elaine Grant, Co-Manager of Quality and Food Safety
Cell: 902-956-3376